Channel: Fatigue
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5 warning signs that you are at a risk of a heart attack

There is a reason heart diseases are called silent killers. It is because symptoms or early warning signs of heart problems are usually subtle and hence, left unattended. This is why most people (whether young or old) realise that their heart is in trouble only when it is too late. However, you can spot the problem even before you cross the danger line and end up in an operation theatre. Here are few vital signs mentioned by Dr Ajit Menon, cardiologist, Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai that you should pay heed to: 1. Extreme fatigue with shortness of breath It is one thing to suffer from fatigue if you have too much work pressure, less sleep and are are surviving on junk. But when your heart is giving up, the kind of fatigue you face is different. Your energy reserves will be used up by, say, mid-day, and you might have trouble even doing menial chores, like sitting at your desk and concentrating on work. This shows that your heart is straining itself to pump blood. Another symptom that goes hand-in-hand with fatigue is shortness of breath. When your heart fails to pump effectively, blood pools in the veins and fluid can leak into your lungs, leading to shortness of breath, so much so that taking just a fleet of stairs or walking a mile becomes difficult. 2. Chest pain radiating to shoulder and jaws While a sudden throbbing chest pain can be a sign of heart attack, prolonged discomfort in chest is also a sign of impending heart troubles. A chest pain that arises due to heart problems might subside after rest or a short nap. It serves as a warning sign that your heart needs attention. If chest pain is too common a problem in your case, it is better to get it checked with a doctor. There are more reasons to worry if your chest pain radiates to your left arm or jaws, making you unable to chew or move your mouth. These could be classic signs of a heart attack. 3. Indigestion Frequent indigestion could also be a sign that your heart is giving up bit by bit. Acidity and GERD are not just problems related to the stomach. If your heart isn’t pumping to its optimum, there is very less blood flowing to your intestines, which hampers the process of digestion, hence the acid reflux and acidity. If you are on an antacid course for a while and face the same symptoms once your medication is over, it is better you pay attention to your heart health now. Visit a cardiologist and get evaluated. 4. Swelling in legs Often swelling in legs, hands or even face is thought to be a sign of kidney malfunctioning. However, there are two reasons to consider this as a sign of heart trouble. First, if your heart doesn’t pump efficiently, there are chances that the blood gets collected in the veins while returning from the lower extremities, making your legs swell. Second, if your heart fails to function to its optimum, it can make the kidneys sluggish in removing wastes from your body. This could could also cause swelling in your legs. 5. Irregular heartbeats or loud heartbeats Hearing your heartbeat when your room has pin drop silence is not just scary but a matter of concern. Loud or irregular heartbeats are signs that there is a fault in one of the heart valves that needs attention. If ignored, it can lead to major problems later. Image source: Shutterstock

5 factors that increase your risk of arthritis in future

Read this in HINDI. If you are in your early 20s or 30s, you don't really think that you could suffer arthritis, because for you, it is the ailment of the old. But remember, if you aren’t taking care of your joints effectively, you can be a victim of this condition in your prime too. There are certain subtle signs that your body sends you to pick up the cues and act. Not just physical signs, there are many factors that increase your risk of arthritis. 1. History of arthritis: If your father or mother suffers from arthritis and complains about joint pains too often, you should get your bone density checked with a doctor by doing either a bone density test or a simple blood test. ‘A strong family history of arthritis puts even young people at risk,’ says Dr Pradeep Monoot, orthopedic surgeon specialising in knee, foot and ankle surgery. There are many genetic and environmental factors that make one prone to rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory condition where the body’s immune system attacks the membranes and cartilage of the joints. So, if you have a family history, take note and chart a plan with your doctor to save yourself from the pain. 2. Being overweight: This coupled with an inactive lifestyle is a hallmark for arthritis. ‘It’s your knees and ankle joints that have to bear the brunt of your weight and slowly the wear and tear gets to them. They start deteriorating and that’s when joint pains and fatigue sets in. The best way to avoid arthritis is to lose weight and tone the muscles around your joints as they provide adequate support to the joints. Also, low-impact activities like cycling, elliptical trainer or swimming can keep your joints healthy,’ says Dr Monoot. 3. Morning stiffness: If there is a pain in your joints and muscles and it makes you immovable for the first few minutes after you wake up, take note of this situation. Morning stiffness is quite common in people. ‘It can also happen when you sit cross-legged on the floor for too long, which you should be avoiding,’ mentions Dr Monoot. Pain even after sitting for too long on a couch or lying down is also a sign of danger. ‘However, if it is muscle stiffness you are suffering from, you would need to do a proper blood teas and x-ray to ascertain the condition of your joints and know whether it is the onset of arthritis. Sometimes it could also be due to vitamin B3 deficiency,’ says Dr Monoot. 4. Pain in joints: This is a given -- pain in your joints while walking, climbing the stairs and even sitting idle are signs of arthritis. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that it can affect your sleep. 5. Fatigue: This is another subtle sign of arthritis. Fatigue coupled with fever or pain in even non-joint tissues can be a sign of inflammation that you are mistaking for flu. If this happens often, ask your doctor whether your bone health needs an evaluation, along with an overall health check-up. Image source: Shutterstock

Fatigue, acidity +3 health problems eating junk food can cause

Nobody needs to tell you that junk food is the prime culprit in ruining your health and making you prone to various lifestyle diseases like diabetes, liver failure, kidney diseases and much more. But you need to know how all this happens in your body. ‘Most of the problems people face today are more due to the wrong eating habits, junk food addiction and improper meal timings. The problem with your health issues start from your stomach and then reaches to other organs,’ says Dr Jay Kotekar consultant gastroenterologist SRV hospital, Mumbai. He lists things that go wrong in your gut when you fall prey to junk food and practise unhealthy eating. 1. You can suffer from irritable bowel syndrome The first thing is that your favourite vada pav, burger, pizza, pasta and street side Chinese food makes your digestive system go for a toss. Unlike the staple Indian diet that has the right amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein and is easy to digest, junk food is difficult to break down and digest easily. So thriving on junk food makes your digestive system go weak and trigger symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Most often, people eating junk have this urge to relieve themselves after every meal; this is because the food triggers and irritates the digestive system as it breakdowns. 2. You can suffer from vitamin deficiencies Well, junk food might be appealing and lip smacking, but it lacks most of the vital minerals and nutrients. Most urban Indians suffer from vitamin deficiencies of vitamin A, B or even vitamin D due to a sedentary lifestyle. Doctors these days have to offer people vitamin injections to avert health issues due to vitamin deficiency. This wasn’t the scenario just a decade back. 3. You can suffer from frequent bouts of acidity If you look around, every other person these days suffer from acidity as it has become a lifestyle statement and it is more common in people who are addicted to junk food. This is because the oil and spices used in the foods irritate the lining of the stomach and increase acid production. This leads to bloating, pain in the upper abdomen and excessive belching. Having antacids will only help to take care of the situation temporarily unless eating habits are rectified. 4. You can suffer from organ damage When food ruins your gut, it gets its way to the other organs too. It takes a toll on other organs and like the liver, kidneys and heart. The fatty deposits reduce smooth functioning of these organs makes them become sluggish and with time toxic builds up in the system that further deteriorates the health of all the major organs. 5. You can suffer from extreme fatigue Yes, why not, when you are not relishing your body with nutrients, but junk and aren’t working out enough to burn the excess calorie to shed the fat your body turns to be sluggish, slow and fatigued. This hampers your health in many ways, but socially it makes your less productive, interferes with sleep, impairs concentration and makes your brain go inactive with time. Image source: Shutterstock

Hormonal imbalances that could explain your fatigue

You may think that fatigue is caused due to excessive physical stress, lack of proper sleep and nutrition. But, a few other health conditions might leave you feeling totally drained. Hormonal imbalances can explain chronic fatigue. Find out from Dr Subrata Das which of these hormonal imbalances is making you feel extremely lethargic. Cortisol imbalance: An imbalance in cortisol levels can cause adrenal fatigue. Imbalance in cortisol levels could also lead to low sex drive, cravings for salty or sugary foods, afternoon headaches, dizziness and a high blood sugar. Leptin resistance: Your fat cells produce a hormone called leptin which signals your brain to use your body’s fat store for energy. When your body fails to recognise leptin, your body is tricked to think that it is in starvation mode and this makes your body want to store more fat. Leptin resistance will not only make you feel lethargic, but it will also lead to constant food cravings, weight gain and stress. Try these yoga poses to deal with hormonal imbalances. Insulin resistance: Just like leptin resistance, insulin resistance is a hormonal resistance pattern that is common in people with type 2 diabetes and also in pre-diabetics. When your body is not able to utilise insulin, you become extremely lethargic and losing weight almost becomes an uphill task for you. You are likely to experience cravings for sweet foods and fatigue after meals. Thyroid imbalance: Every cell of your body needs thyroid to function optimally, and if you have a thyroid imbalance you might suffer from fatigue, weight gain, depression, mental sluggishness, dry skin and thinning hair. Here are 10 quick facts about thyroid disease you are not aware of. Estrogen imbalance: Imbalance in estrogen levels has also been linked to chronic fatigue along wih depression, vaginal dryness, painful sex, hot flashes and night sweats. Progesterone imbalance: Without optimal progesterone in the body, the estrogen becomes dominant and leads to fatigue along with insomnia, painful breasts, infertility, anxiety and stubborn weight gain. Testosterone imbalance: Low testosterone is something that could lead to fatigue and lethargy in both men and women. Low testosterone level has also been linked to acne, PCOS, excessive hair on arms and face, hypoglycaemia and thinning hair. Women with low testosterone can also experience weight gain and low sex drive. Image source: Shutterstock Read this in Marathi  

Expert-recommended diet tips to beat adrenal fatigue

The small adrenal glands have a significant function—producing hormones that regulate your body’s natural stress response. Stress can lead to fatigue, sleep disorders and also a weakened immunity. Weakened adrenals can also cause weight gain and high blood sugar levels. You can prevent these risks with the help of a proper diet. Here are a few diet tips from Dr Himanshu Aneejwal. Consume more protein and healthy fats: It is crucial that you consume a blend of high-quality macronutrients at every meal. Load up on protein-rich foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, dairy and beans. Fish, nuts, seeds, olive and avocados are excellent sources of healthy fats. Avoid refined carbohydrates: If you have adrenal fatigue, it is best that you stick to fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid all kinds of refined carbs. Refined carbohydrates can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels and make you drained. Load up on vitamin-C rich foods: Apart from providing you with fibre, certain fruits and vegetables also provide you with vitamin C which helps you cope better with stressful situations. Kiwi, berries, mango, broccoli and bell peppers are some of the best sources of vitamin C. Avoid high-fructose fruits like bananas and oranges as they can further exhaust the adrenal glands. Get a lot of B vitamins: B vitamins especially vitamin B5 and B6 are foods for the adrenals. Foods rich in folate and vitamin B12 can also help with energy production. Here are 5 natural sources of vitamin B12 you need to include in your diet.  Give in to your salt cravings: When you experience adrenal fatigue, eating salty foods can be beneficial for your system. Low levels of the hormone aldosterone can cause electrolyte imbalance, and eating salty foods can help. You might also experience lightheadedness in the morning, and you can correct it with moderate intake of sodium. Here are reasons you are craving too much salt.  Avoid foods you are sensitive to: If you have adrenal fatigue, it also makes a lot of sense to steer clear of foods you are sensitive to or foods which cause inflammation. For example, if you are sensitive to dairy, eat more fruits and vegetables. Focus on hydration: Dehydration is the the hallmark of adrenal fatigue. Drink a lot of water and add fresh lemon juice or Himalayan salt to your water. Image source: Shutterstock Images  

Adrenal fatigue से निपटने के लिए ऐसी हो आपकी डायट

शरीर के भीतर छोटी एड्रीनल ग्लैंड (adrenal glands) हार्मोंस जारी करती है, जो आपकी बॉडी के नैचुरल स्ट्रेस रेस्पोंस को रेगुलेट करते हैं। तनाव के कारण थकान, नींद से जुड़े विकार और इम्युनिटी कमजोर हो सकती है। एड्रीनल के कमजोर होने से आपका वजन बढ़ सकता है और ब्लड शुगर लेवल हाई हो सकता है। आप इन जोखिमों को एक अच्छी डायट की मदद से कम कर सकते हैं। डॉक्टर हिमांशु अनीजवाल  आपको कुछ डायट टिप्स दे रहे हैं। अधिक प्रोटीन और हेल्दी फैट खाएं- आपकी हर डायट में हाई-क्वालिटी मैक्रोन्यूट्रेंट्स का मिश्रण होना चाहिए। यानि प्रोटीन से भरपूर मछली, अंडे, मीट, डेरी प्रोडक्ट्स और बीन्स का सेवन करें। फिश, नट्स, बीज, जैतून और एवोकाडो हेल्दी फैट का बेहतर स्रोत हैं। रिफाइंड कार्बोहाइड्रेट से बचें- अगर आपको एड्रीनल फेटीग है, तो आप ताजे फल-सब्जियां खाएं और रिफाइंड कार्बोहाइड्रेट से बचें। रिफाइंड कार्बोहाइड्रेट से आपका ब्लड शुगर लेवल बढ़ सकता है। विटामिन सी से भरपूर चीजें खाएं- विटामिन सी से भरपूर फल और सब्जियां खाने से स्ट्रेस से निपटने में मदद मिलती है। इसलिए अपनी डायट में कीवी, बेरी, आम, ब्रोकोली और बेल पेपर जैसी शामिल करें। हाई फ्रूक्टोस वाले फल जैसे केला और संतरा खाने से बचें। विटामिन बी वाली चीजें खाएं-   विटामिन बी विशेष रूप से विटामिन बी 5 और बी 6 एड्रीनल के लिए बेहतर हैं। फोलेट और विटामिन बी 12 से भरपूर चीजें खाने से ऊर्जा बढ़ती है। नमक भी है जरूरी- एड्रिनल फेटीग होने पर नमकीन चीजें खाना सिस्टम के लिए फायदेमंद हो सकता है। एल्डोस्टेरोन हार्मोन का लेवल कम होने से इलेक्ट्रोलाइट में गड़बड़ी पैदा हो सकती है और नमकीन चीजें खाने से आपको मदद मिल सकती है। सेंसिटिव चीजें खाने से बचें- अगर आपको एड्रीनल फेटीग है, तो आपको ऐसी चीजों की जानकारी होनी चाहिए जो आपको सूट नहीं करते हैं। यानि अगर आपको डेयरी प्रोडक्ट पसंद नहीं हैं, तो ज्यादा फल और सब्जियां खाएं। हाइड्रेटेड रहें- डिहाइड्रेशन एंड्रीनल फेटीग का आम लक्षण है। इसलिए पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी पिएं। इसके अलावा लेमन जूस और हिमालय नमक का पानी पिएं। Read this in English अनुवादक – Usman Khan चित्र स्रोत - Shutterstock

World Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Day 2017 - What happens when you suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a mysterious malady characterized by extreme fatigue that doesn’t go away with rest or sleep. The disorder reduces your activity level and stamina to the extent that you may have trouble concentrating and carrying out daily activities. The fatigue becomes so severe that it can force a 50 percent reduction in your daily activities. [1] The disabling fatigue is almost always accompanied by other symptoms, and can last for six months or more. The wide spectrum of symptoms includes –
  • Persistent musculoskeletal pain
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Major depression
  • Cognitive disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Extreme exhaustion after physical or mental exercise that lasts for more than 24 hours
  • Tender lymph nodes in the neck and armpit
  • And these are not all but the most frequent ones. Less frequent, but equally important, symptoms include –
  • Brain fog or mental fog
  • Orthostatic intolerance, that is, developing symptoms such as lightheadedness and dizziness, when standing which are relieved when reclining
  • Mood problems
  • Chills and night sweats
  • Sensitivity to light, blurring, or pain in the eye
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Allergies to food, medicine, noise, odour, etc.
Fatigue in CFS Fatigue, the main symptom of CFS, is –
  • Not the result of ongoing exertion
  • Not lifelong
  • Not responsive to rest
Researchers have found that people with CFS generally describe their fatigue as: [2]
  • Exhaustion and weakness
  • Llack of energy
  • Feeling drained
  • Inability to stand for even a few minutes or walk even a few blocks without exhaustion
  • Inability to sustain an activity for any significant length of time
Some of the more extreme examples include:
  • Too exhausted to change clothes more than every 7-10 days
  • Exhaustion to the point that speaking is not possible
  • Exertion of daily toileting, particularly bowel movements, sends me back to bed struggling for breath and feeling like I just climbed a mountain
  • A “tired but wired” feeling
Researchers have now found conclusive evidence that fatigue in CFS is profound and it is not the result of excessive exertion; nor does it go away with rest. And therein lies the difference between CFS tired and normal tired. Although skeptical earlier, the medical community now agrees that CFS is much more than the chronic presence of fatigue, and that associated symptoms make the condition worse. Here is detailed information on top 10 causes of constant fatigue. Post exertional malaise (PEM) PEM, another characteristic symptom of CFS, occurs after physical and cognitive exertion. You will find that the symptoms and function worsen after exposure to physical or cognitive stressors that were normally tolerated before disease onset. There can be other triggers as well; for example, emotional stress, physical trauma, disturbed sleep, an infection, or even talking on the phone, or working on the computer! PEM can last for hours, days, or even months. Recovering from PEM is very difficult for CFS patients. Studies show that whilehealthy controls recovered from the stress within 48 hours, only 31 percent of the patients returned to pre-stressor baseline within that time, and 60 percent were still experiencing multiple symptoms after one week. [2] And that’s another difference between CFS tired and normal tired. However, experience of PEM varies among people with CFS, and some adapt their lifestyle and activity level to avoid triggering symptoms. Impaired cognitive functioning One of the most easily distinguishable feature in people with CFS is the display of slowed information processing, that is, their information processing speed is impaired. But there is definitely no impairment in the accuracy of information processing. Researchers think this could be the cause of other neurocognitive impairments such as attention deficit, reduced alertness, and short term memory loss. Unfortunately, such deficits often lead to loss of employment and loss of functional capacity in social environments. Read more about 6 yoga asanas to zap chronic fatigue Neuroticism and perfectionism People with CFS have a long-term tendency to be in a negative emotional state. They have frequent and severe feelings of guilt, anxiety, and anger compared to others. This state is called neuroticism. Another symptom found in people with CFS is perfectionism, or more accurately – maladaptive perfectionism, which means, a tendency to make overly critical self-evaluation. Scientists believe that neuroticism and perfectionism have a role to play in the severity of the illness, however, it depends on the severity of depression, as all these states are interlinked. [3] Read about how to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome. Lastly, but very importantly, symptoms vary from person to person in severity, type, and number. Another important point is that CFS often occurs in cycles; you may have periods of illness followed by a period of relative well-being. So, it is important that you seek medical attention. Reference
  1. Avellaneda Fernández A, Pérez Martín Á, Izquierdo Martínez M, et al. Chronic fatigue syndrome: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment. BMC Psychiatry. 2009;9(Suppl 1):S1. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-9-S1-S1.
  1. Committee on the Diagnostic Criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Board on the Health of Select Populations; Institute of Medicine. Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2015 Feb 10. 4, Review of the Evidence on Major ME/CFS Symptoms and Manifestations. Available from: http://https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK284902/
  2. Valero S, Sáez-Francàs N, Calvo N, Alegre J, Casas M. The role of neuroticism, perfectionism and depression in chronic fatigue syndrome. A structural equation modeling approach. Comprehensive Psychiatry.  Jun 2013, 54(7):1061-1067. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.04.015
Image source: Shutterstock

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - what are the treatment options?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition characterized by unexplained debilitating fatigue that lasts for at least six months and is accompanied by four or more symptoms:
  • Post exertional malaise or extreme exhaustion after physical or mental exercise that lasts for more than 24 hours
  • Poor concentration and impaired short term memory
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Tender lymph nodes
  • Headaches
  • Sore throat
  • Anxiety and depressive disorders
Since CFS, with its complex symptoms, has no clear mechanism, treatment options and effectiveness are limited and vary from person to person. What may be effective for you, may not be the right option for another. You may need to find the best treatment for you through ‘trial and error’ method and that may take a lot of time! If you feel you have CFS, consult a doctor. Discussed here are some researched therapies that work/ do not work. Pharmaceutical therapy Conventional treatment (western medicine) protocol does not seem to be very effective. However, they may help with your specific set of symptoms. For example, your doctor will prescribe antidepressantsto help you cope with the problems associated with CFS. Similarly, your doctor may prescribe sleeping aids/ pills if sleep disturbance is one of your associated symptoms. Studies have shown that corticosteroids such fludrocortisone and hydrocortisone are no more effective at improving functional status than placebo. Rather, these may have adverse effects for some people with CFS. [1] Similarly, review of trials on dietary supplements and primrose oil found that they were not much effective at increasing the proportion of people reporting an improvement at 3 months. Dietary supplements had no beneficial effect on fatigue, nor did primrose oil help improve depressive symptoms. [1] Researchers don’t know don't know how effective intramuscular magnesium is in treating CFS, as studies are very few and are mostly of low quality. However, one study found that intramuscular magnesium injections may be more effective at improving energy at 6 weeks. It also seemed to reduce pain and improve emotional reaction. [1] Homeopathy Homeopath Dr. Vijay Vaishnav believeshomeopathic remedy selected on the basis of a detailed history and examination would bring the CFS patient back to normal activity. He suggests remedies like Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica and Sepia. Other remedies such as Kali phos, phosphoric acid, gelsemium, picric acid and Avena sativa may help in tackling the fatigue. [2] Clinical trials, however, found insufficient evidence to recommend homeopathy as a treatment in chronic fatigue syndrome.[1] Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and moxibustion is said to be an effective treatment for CFS in traditional Chinese medicine. It is different from Chinese herbal medicine. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles at specific points of the body, and moxibustion is a type of heat therapy using dried leaves of mugwort herb, called moxa, to stimulate certain points of the body. Scientists have found that this combination treatment could strengthen the immune system. However, they also felt that larger studies were required to confirm it. [3] Read here 6 yoga asanas to zap chronic fatigue Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) Cognitive behaviour therapy is a psychological therapy model that is commonly used to treat a range of psychological and chronic pain conditions including CFS. Studies have shown that those who opt for CBT are more likely to have reduced fatigue symptoms at the end of treatment than people who receive usual care. Researchers also compared CBT against other types of psychological therapy, including relaxation techniques, counselling and support/education, and here, too, found that CBT is more effective in reducing fatigue symptoms at the end of treatment compared to other psychological therapies. [4] CBT encourages people with CFS to –
  • Gradually build and resume regular daily activities
  • Identify triggers and plan how to deal with them
  • Learn how to manage and reduce the symptoms
‘CBT helps address any beliefs that may make recovery more difficult. The therapy helps patients understand their symptoms, tackle the understandable fears they have about activity and encourages people to do more despite their tiredness,’ explains Professor Trudie Chalder, Director of Chronic Fatigue Research and Treatment Unit, King’s College, London, run with the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. [5] Graded exercise therapy (GET) Graded exercise therapy, that helps cope with CFS, is physical activity that starts very slowly and gradually increases over time. The 2007 National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for the management of CFS/ME recommend GET as one of the most effective therapies for CFS. [6] Read more about What happens when you suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Benefits of GET include –
  • Improves the efficiency of the heart, lungs and circulation
  • Helps the body to deal better with the demands of daily life
  • Improves strength, endurance, flexibility, balance,ability to fight infections, sleep quality, concentration,well-being and mood, confidence, self-esteem and social activity
The GET programme has 6 steps that need to be followed:
  1. Stabilize your routine
  2. Start doing regular stretches
  3. Decide on a goal and choose your exercise/ physical activity
  4. Set your exercise/ physical activity baseline
  5. Increase the duration of your exercise/ physical activity
  6. Increase the intensity of your exercise/ physical activity
It is important that you discuss your GET programme with your doctor/ therapist. Although many studies have shown that GET is an effective therapy for CFS, researchers at ME-de-patiënten Foundation, Limmen, the Netherlands, suggested that CBT/GET is not only hardly more effective than standard medical care, but the therapy can affect CFS patients adversely. According to them, exertion induces post-exertional malaise (PEM) causing –
  • Decreased physical performance and aerobic capacity
  • Increased musculoskeletal pain
  • Increased neurocognitive impairment, exhaustion and weakness,
  • A long-lasting recovery time
  • May amplify pre-existing symptoms such as inflammation, immune dysfunction, andstress.
The researchers emphasized the point that it is unethical to treat patients with CFS with ineffective, non-evidence-based and potentially harmful therapies such as CBT/GET. [7] Lifestyle and attitude CFS will undeniably impose restrictions on your way of life. Following suggestions may help.
  • It is important to come to terms with your illness. Even if you find the suitable treatment, the treatment period may be too long and you may start losing hope. However, keep trying, you never know, you may find you are improving and feeling really good at one point of time.
  • Always remain positive about the prospect of recovery. Being pessimistic never helped anyone.
  • Pace yourself. You will need to slow down so as not to exhaust yourself permanently. Take on little at a time and have a flexible approach to work or task.
  • Develop a plan to limit overexertion and emotional stress. Relaxation therapies may help you with physical and mental well-being. Yoga, tai-chi, and meditation can be a beneficial adjunct to your therapy.
  • Improve your sleep habits by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Avoid caffeine and alcohol to get a better quality of sleep.
  1. Reid S, Chalder T, Cleare A, Hotopf M, Wessely S. Chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ Clinical Evidence. 2011;2011:1101.
  2. Vaishnav V. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Homeoint.org
  3. Wang T, Xu C, Pan K, Xiong H. Acupuncture and moxibustion for chronic fatigue syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017;17:163. doi:10.1186/s12906-017-1647-x.
  4. Price JR, Mitchell E, Tidy E, Hunot V. Cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001027. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001027.pub2.
  5. King's College London - CBT for chronic fatigue syndrome. Kclacuk.
  6. NHS. Graded Exercise Therapy. A self-help guideforthosewithchronicfatiguesyndrome/ myalgicencephalomyelitis.
  7. Twisk FNMaes M. A review on cognitive behavorial therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) in myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) / chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): CBT/GET is not only ineffective and not evidence-based, but also potentially harmful for many patients with ME/CFS.Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2009;30(3):284-99.
Image source: Shutterstock

या ५ गोष्टींमुळे भविष्यात तरुणांनाही आर्थ्राटीसचा धोका वाढू शकतो.

आर्थ्राटीस ही एक गंभीर समस्या आहे.पण याचा त्रास फक्त वृद्धांनाच होतो असा गैरसमज झाल्यामुळे तरुणांना ही समस्या आपल्याला होणार नाही असे वाटत असते.लक्षात ठेवा जर तुम्ही तुमच्या सांध्यांची योग्य काळजी घेतली नाही तर ही समस्या तुम्हाला तरुणपणी देखील होऊ शकते.यासाठी या विकाराची काही लक्षणे जरुर जाणून घ्या.केवळ शारीरिकच नाही तर इतर काही लक्षणे देखील तुम्हाला आर्थ्राटीसचा धोका असल्याचे दर्शवित असतात.तसेच जाणून घ्या आर्थ्राटीसवर होमिओपॅथी उपचार घ्यावेत का ? १.आर्थ्राटीसची हिस्ट्री असणे-ऑर्थोपेडीक सर्जन व गुडघा,पाय व घोटा सर्जरी स्पेशलीस्ट डॉ.प्रदीप मोनूट यांच्या मते जर तुमच्या आईवडीलांना सांधेदुखीची समस्या असेल तर तुम्हाला बोन डेनसिटी टेस्ट अथवा ब्लड टेस्ट करुन तुमची बोन डेनसिटी तपासणे आवश्यक आहे.कारण आईवडीलांना आर्थ्राटीस असल्यास तो तुम्हाला होण्याची दाट शक्यता असते.असे काही आनुवंशिक व पर्यावरणविषयक घटक असतात ज्यामुळे तुम्हाला तीव्र रुमटॉइड आर्थ्राटीस होण्याचा धोका असू शकतो.त्यामुळे असे असल्यास त्वरीत डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या व तुम्हाला या विकारापासून वाचवा. २.अतिवजन असणे-आजकाल बदलेल्या जीवनशैली मुळे अतिलठ्ठपणा ही सामान्य समस्या झाली आहे.डॉ.मोनूट यांच्यामते अतिवजनामुळे तुमच्या  वजनाचा भार हळूहळू तुमच्या गुडघा व घोट्याच्या सांध्यावर पडतो.त्यामुळे तुम्हाला सांधेदुखीची समस्या निर्माण होते.त्यामुळे आर्थ्राटीस टाळण्यासाठी तुमचे वजन कमी करा व सांध्यांची योग्य काळजी घ्या.सायकलींग व स्विमींग मुळे तुमच्या सांध्यांना चांगला व्यायाम मिळेल.यासाठी जाणून घ्या झटपट वजन कमी करण्याचे 5 सुपरहिट फंडे ! ३.मॉर्निंग स्टीफनेस-जर सकाळी उठल्यावर तुम्हाला बराच वेळ हालचाल करणे कठीण जात असेल तर याबाबत तुम्ही सावध रहाणे फार गरजेचे आहे.तसेच सोफा अथवा लादीवर बराच काळ बसल्यावर त्रास होत असेल तर त्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करु नका.जर तुम्हाला सांधे जखडण्याची समस्या जाणवत असेल तर ब्लड टेस्ट व एक्स-रे करुन सांधेदुखीची समस्या जाणून घ्या.कधीकधी व्हिटॅमिन बी ३ च्या कमतरतेमुळे देखील ही समस्या तुम्हाला जाणवू शकते. ४.सांधेदुखी-चालताना,बसताना अथवा पाय-या चढता-उतरताना तुम्हाला सांधेदुखी जाणवत असेल तर हे आर्थ्राटीसचे एक लक्षण असू शकते.कधीकधी या वेदनेमुळे तुम्हाला झोप देखील लागत नाही.यासाठी जाणून घ्या एरंडेल तेल- गुडघेदुखीवर रामबाण उपाय ५.थकवा-थकवा हे आर्थ्राटीसचे एक लक्षण असू शकते.जर तुम्हाला सांधेदुखीसह ताप व सतत थकवा जाणवत असेल तर हे आर्थ्राटीसचे लक्षण आहे.मात्र ब-याचदा लोक या लक्षणाकडे तापाचे एक लक्षण म्हणून दुर्लक्ष करतात.त्यामुळे असे वारंवार होत असेल तर तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला जरुर घ्या. तसेच जाणून घ्या साधे सांध्यांचे दुखणे अर्थ्राईटीसच्या त्रासापासून या ’6′ लक्षणांनी वेगळे ठरते !   Read this in English

Translated by Trupti Paradkar

छाया चित्र सौजन्य : Shutterstock

Study says elite endurance athletes are more resilient to mental fatigue


Elite endurance athletes have superior ability to resist mental fatigue, revealed a new study. For the study, the researchers compared the performance of 11 professional cyclists and nine recreational cyclists in various tests. The professional cyclists outperformed the recreational cyclists in a simulated time trial in the laboratory. The study suggested that while the recreational cyclists slowed down after performing a computerised cognitive task to induce mental fatigue, the professional cyclists’ time trial performance was not affected. In addition, the professional cyclists performed better than the recreational cyclists in the task which measures ‘inhibitory control’ or willpower. This is not surprising as the ability to suffer is a major factor in the sport of cycling, the study suggested. (Read: 6 supplements for athletes to enhance their performance)

‘The two effects go hand in hand, because becoming resistant to mental fatigue should bolster willpower during the latter stages of a competition such as the Tour de France,’ said Samuele Marcora, Professor, Kent’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences in the study published in journal PLOS ONE. Although largely hereditary, the researchers speculate that superior willpower and resistance to mental fatigue may be trained through hard physical training and demanding the lifestyle of an elite endurance athlete. (Read: Young female athletes more likely to injure repaired knee ligament)

Source: IANS

Photo source: Getty images (Image for representational purpose only)

Exposure to natural gas can give you migraines and headaches


A new research says that Pennsylvania residents with the highest exposure to active natural gas wells operated by the hydraulic fracturing industry are nearly twice as likely to suffer from a combination of migraine headaches, chronic nasal and sinus symptoms and severe fatigue. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said that their findings add to a growing body of evidence linking the fracking industry to health problems. ‘These three health conditions can have debilitating impacts on people’s lives,’ says first author Aaron W. Tustin. ‘In addition, they cost the health care system a lot of money. Our data suggest these symptoms are associated with proximity to the fracking industry,’ he added. For their study, Tustin and his colleagues created a questionnaire and received responses from 7,785 adult primary care patients of the Geisinger Health System, a health care provider that covers 40 counties in north and central Pennsylvania. The questionnaires were returned between April and October of 2014. The researchers found that 1,765 respondents (23 percent) suffered from migraines, 1,930 people (25 percent) experienced severe fatigue and 1,850 (24 percent) had current symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. (Read: Try this natural remedy to treat sinusitis at home!)

The researchers used publicly available well data to estimate participants’ exposure to the fracking industry. Their models accounted for the size and number of wells, as well as the distance between wells and people’s homes. While no single health condition was associated with proximity to active wells, those who met criteria for two or more of the health conditions were nearly twice as likely to live closer to more or larger wells. ‘We don’t know specifically why people in close proximity to these larger wells are more likely to be sick,’ says the study’s senior author Brian S. Schwartz. ‘We need to find a way to better understand the correlation and, hopefully, do something to protect the health of these people,’ he added. Previous research conducted by Schwartz and colleagues has linked the fracking industry to increases in premature births, asthma attacks and indoor radon concentrations. Tustin and his colleagues say there are plausible explanations for how fracking could cause these health conditions. Well development generates air pollution, which could provoke nasal and sinus symptoms. This type of drilling also produces stressors such as odors, noise, bright lights and heavy truck traffic. Any of these stressors could increase the risk of symptoms. Migraine headaches, for example, are known to be triggered by odors in some individuals. (Read: Suffering from migraine headaches? Inhale lavender oil fumes for quick relief)

Hydraulic fracturing involves the injection of millions of liters of water into deep rock formations to liberate natural gas or petroleum. Energy companies moved toward fracking in the early 2000s when natural gas prices were high and supplies were low. Pennsylvania has embraced the industry. Over 9,000 fracking wells have been drilled in Pennsylvania in the past decade. Hydraulic fracturing has expanded rapidly in recent years in states such as Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming, West Virginia and Ohio. In contrast, New York has banned fracking and Maryland has delayed well production. Maryland’s fracking moratorium is set to expire in October 2017. The moratorium was passed in 2015 out of concern about fracking’s potentially negative environmental effects, before the more recent health studies were completed. Schwartz says Maryland regulators should consider these new scientific findings when they decide whether to allow drilling. ‘The moratorium was put in place before we even knew that there were health effects associated with these wells,’ Schwartz said, adding, ‘Now that we do, regulators need to carefully consider their next steps.’ The study has been published by Environmental Health PerspectivesHere’s how gem therapy can help relieve a migraine

Source: ANI

Photo source: Shutterstock (Image for representational purpose only)

6 yoga asanas to zap chronic fatigue

  • Yoga asanas to zap chronic fatigue

    A fast-paced lifestyle combined with erratic sleep and food habits can spark of a new age problem—chronic fatigue syndrome. Yoga will help build your stamina, up your immunity and elevate your mood, helping you beat the condition. These yoga poses recommended by yoga expert Raman Mishra are powerfully therapeutic.

  • Ustrasana or camel pose

    Ustrasana or the camel: This pose gives a gentle, heart-opening stretch to the back, energising the body. The pose also stimulates the spine and the nervous system.

  • Ardhachandrasana

    Ardhachandrasana or half moon pose: This dynamic yoga pose stimulates blood flow through the body, boosts vitality and helps combat fatigue. Practising this pose can be an excellent way to calm your mind.

  • Setubandhasana

    Seubandhasana or bridge pose: Back bends such as setubandhasana are very invigorating for the entire body. It opens up the chest muscles and improves respiration, awakening you.

  • Marjariasana

    Marjariasana or cat stretch: Arching the back in this asana helps relieve spinal stiffness. The expansion and release of the torso work on the respiratory system and boosts breathing capacity.

  • Garudasana

    Garudasana or eagle pose: This pose releases stiffness in shoulders which can bring about stress relief. It also opens up the chest to boost respiration and energise you. This asana will stimulate your upper, middle and lower back and engage the muscles of your hamstrings.

  • Pawanmukhtasana

    Pawanmuktasana or wind-relieving pose: The muscles that support respiration such as the neck muscles and shoulder muscles are relaxed in this asana. It is a very powerful yoga pose to strengthen the spine and make you feel less tired.

  • Yoga asanas to zap chronic fatigue
  • Ustrasana or camel pose
  • Ardhachandrasana
  • Setubandhasana
  • Marjariasana
  • Garudasana
  • Pawanmukhtasana

Menopause causes breathing problems and fatigue


Menopausal women are likely to experience an accelerated decline in lung function, leading to increase in shortness of breath, reduced work capacity and fatigue, a study says. The researchers found that menopause was more likely to cause restrictive, rather than obstructive, breathing problems. Obstructive breathing problems make it difficult to exhale air from the lungs while restrictive breathing problems make it difficult to fully expand the lungs upon inhaling. “Whether obstructive or restrictive, the decline in lung function may cause an increase in shortness of breath, reduced work capacity and fatigue,” said lead author Kai Triebner from University of Bergen in Norway.

“Symptoms depend upon how much lung capacity is reduced, and a few women may actually develop respiratory failure as a result of this decline,” Triebner said. For the study – published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine — the researchers analysed data from 1,438 women enrolled in the European Respiratory Health Survey. Participants in the study ranged in age from 25 to 48 at enrollment, and none was menopausal when the study began. They were followed for 20 years and during that time most went through the menopausal transition or became postmenopausal.

The authors said there were several possible explanations for their findings. Menopause brings hormonal changes that have been linked to systemic inflammation, which itself is associated with lung function decline. Hormonal changes are also implicated in osteoporosis, which shortens the height of the chest vertebrae and may, in turn, limit the amount of air a person can inhale. “Women, and their physicians, should be aware that respiratory health might decline considerably during and after the menopausal transition,” Triebner said.

Source: IANS

Image: Shutterstock

Woke up late? Do these 5 things to look more awake

  • Woke up late? Rushing to work and have no time to do something about that sleepy face?! Don't let that ruin your day. Here are easy ways that can make you look more rejuvenated in less than 2 minutes.

  • Spray face mist or rose water on your face: Not only will this refresh your face instantly, this will also make you feel less drowsy and since it is cold it will help reduce puffiness from your eyes.

  • Shape your eyebrows: This will give more definition to your face and also take attention away from your puffy eyes. This shouldn't even take you two minutes.

  • Use ice: When you wake up, your face tends to seem swollen especially areas under your eye. Apply ice all over your face and see the magic. You'll freshen up instantly.

  • Apply mascara: You don't need full make-up when only mascara can do the job. Applying mascara will add length to your lashes and in turn will make your eyes look bigger.

  • Apply concealer: Concealer will hide all your flaws in the skin and make it look much illuminated. It will also help you look prim and less sleepy.

  • Woke up late? Rushing to work and have no time to do something about that sleepy face?! Don't let that ruin your day. Here are easy ways that can make you look more rejuvenated in less than 2 minutes.
  • Spray face mist or rose water on your face: Not only will this refresh your face instantly, this will also make you feel less drowsy and since it is cold it will help reduce puffiness from your eyes.
  • Shape your eyebrows: This will give more definition to your face and also take attention away from your puffy eyes. This shouldn't even take you two minutes.
  • Use ice: When you wake up, your face tends to seem swollen especially areas under your eye. Apply ice all over your face and see the magic. You'll freshen up instantly.
  • Apply mascara: You don't need full make-up when only mascara can do the job. Applying mascara will add length to your lashes and in turn will make your eyes look bigger.
  • Apply concealer: Concealer will hide all your flaws in the skin and make it look much illuminated. It will also help you look prim and less sleepy.

Images: Shutterstock

5 best yoga poses to do if you are extremely fatigued at work

  • yoga poses to do if you are extremely fatigued at work

    A fast paced and driven lifestyle combined with erratic food and sleep habits can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. Yoga can help boost your energy, improve your stamina and help you de-stress. So perform this asanas and mudras in your workplace recommended by yoga expert Shameem Akthar to beat fatigue.

  • Surya-mudra

    Surya mudra: It is a simple hand gesture you can practise to overcome fatigue and improve your focus. Only sit in sukhasana and keep your eyes shut. Now press your ring finger down with your thumb. Hold it for a few minutes and repeat with the other hand. Repeat several times during the day.

  • Pranayamasana

    Pranayamasana or prayer pose: This pose will energise you and also prevent vision problems that can occur when you stare steadily at any screen. Keep your palms together in namaste gesture and place your hands on your head so that their base rests on the centre of your hairline. Hold this pose and take a few deep breaths.

  • Pran-mudra

    The pran mudra: This mudra will remove tiredness and help you de-stress. Sit with your eyes shut. Now touch the tips of the little finger and ring finger to the tip of your thumb. Hold for 3-5 minutes and repeat with another hand.

  • Prithvi mudra

    Prithvi mudra: This mudra will relieve hypertension and help you de-stress. Sit in the meditative pose with your eyes shut. Now touch the tip of the ring finger with the tip of thumb and hold for three to five. Do this with both hands.

  • Ujjayi breath

    The ujjayi breath: This breathing technique can help you tackle fatigue and stress. Sit in sukhasana and inhale with a soft pressure on your throat so that you can hear a rushing sound. Now exhale with the same sound. Breathe nine to twelve times.

  • yoga poses to do if you are extremely fatigued at work
  • Surya-mudra
  • Pranayamasana
  • Pran-mudra
  • Prithvi mudra
  • Ujjayi breath

Image source: Getty Images. Shutterstock Images

Read this in Marathi

Chronic fatigue syndrome biomarkers found


US researchers have identified biomarkers associated with the severity of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which may help lead to a diagnostic blood test. The findings showed evidence that inflammation is a driver of CFS, the underpinnings of which have eluded scientists for decades, Xinhua news agency reported. The CFS leads many patients to have flu-like symptoms common in inflammation-driven diseases, while other patients may have symptoms sometimes manifesting as heart problems, mental impairment, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, muscle pain, tender lymph nodes, said Jose Montoya, Professor of Infectious Diseases and lead author of the study.

More than one million people in the US suffer from the CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis. It was reported earlier in 2017 that in Norway, a nation with a population of over five million, about 270 primary and secondary students dropped school due to the syndrome. The disorder has no known cure or reliably effective treatments. For unknown reasons, the syndrome typically persists for decades, and likely hits among adolescents between the age of 15 and 20, and adults between 30 and 35. Three of every four patients are women.  Antivirals, anti-inflammatories and immune-modulating drugs have led to symptomatic improvement in some cases. Read about how to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome.

However, no single pathogenic agent can be fingered, as the ultimate CFS trigger has yet been isolated, said Montoya. Analyzing blood samples from 192 patients and 392 healthy controls, the Stanford University researchers found levels of some immune-system signaling proteins or cytokines were lower in patients with mild CFS than in the control subjects, but were higher in patients with relatively severe CFS.  The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences released on July 31.

The average age of the patients and controls was about 50, and the patients’ average duration of symptoms was more than 10 years. In addition, the researchers found that of the 51 cytokines they measured, the concentration of 17 cytokines tracked disease severity, 13 of which are pro-inflammatory. The authors of the study believe that their findings could improve the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder, including clinical trials to test the potential of immunomodulatory drugs as CFS therapies. Read more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – what are the treatment options?

Source: ANI

Image source: Shutterstock

Swine flu worst in Maharashtra and Gujarat; officials warn cases may increase


Maharashtra and Gujarat are the worst affected when it comes to the number of cases of swine flu reported in the past one month. Delhi recorded 1,066 cases of swine flu. Zee News states that the number of swine flu deaths according to official figures stands at 280 in Gujarat and the number of reported cases at 3,220 this week alone. Till August 13, Maharashtra has reported 409 deaths due to swine flu and 4,011 cases of infections. Public health officials have warned that with monsoon still underway in both the states, the figures of infections and deaths are likely to rise.

The H1N1 type A influenza or swine flu was originally transmitted from pigs to humans and now spreads from one human to another. The symptoms of swine flu are very similar to regular influenza and include fever, headaches, chills, diarrhoea, coughing and sneezing. One can prevent infection by maintaining basic hygiene and wearing a proper surgical mask during flu season. The number of cases shoots up during the summers and monsoon seasons. There are various vaccines available to combat the disease and antiviral treatments for prevention as well. One should however only use these medicines under a doctor’s supervision as indiscriminate use might result in susceptibility to the virus. Find out if you are at risk of swine flu.
Did you know that there are different types of swine flue – swine with mild symptoms, swine flu with moderate symptoms and swine flu with severe symptoms. The patients who belong to this category show mild symptoms of swine flu such as fever, cough, cold, body pain and fatigue. These type of patients do not have any co-morbid conditions such as asthma, diabetes, lung disease and old age. Those with moderate symptoms have comorbid conditions like COPD, lung disease and belong to high-risk groups. Those with severe swine flu suffer from respiratory problems such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute liver injury, breathing problems due to a fall in the oxygen (O2) level in blood along with symptoms of swine flu. In this case, the patient has to undergo a strict medical treatment with compulsory medications.

Here are important precautions you must take to prevent swine flu.

Image source: Shutterstock

7 signs of heart failure that indicate you are in trouble

  • heart failure

    Heart failure and heart attack are not the same. While heart attack is a sudden occurrence due to a blockage or a clot that stops blood flow to the heart, heart failure is weakening of the heart muscles over a period of time due to various reasons like bad lifestyle habits, blockage in arteries or due to lifestyle disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, obesity, etc. Here are few signs of heart failure that you should know,

  • Shortness of breath

    Shortness of breath: If you find yourself huffing and puffing after taking a flight of steps you should be worried about your heart health. This could be due to congestion of lungs leading to shortness of breath a very common and early sign of heart failure.

  • Swollen feet

    Swollen feet and ankles: As the heart muscles become weaker and fail to pump blood effectively it affects other crucial organs and their functions. Like, the kidneys respond by retaining fluid and salt in the body. This leads to fluid build up in the arms, legs, ankles, feet, lungs, or other organs and the entire body becomes congested.

  • Unexplained weight gain

    Unexplained weight gain: Weight gain might not seem like a relevant one related to heart diseases. But remember obese people most of the time end up having a heart condition and there could be a possibility that obesity makes the heart work harder and the muscles weaker with every passing day.

  • Urination

    Increased night time urination: While there could be a lot of reasons that could lead to this symptom, retardation of heart functions is one of them.

  • Excessive fatigue

    Excessive fatigue: When your heart grows weak its pumping mechanism is disturbed this makes it difficult for one to get going with activities that require more physical labour. You might get tired soon and find it difficult to exercise or even go for a brisk walk.

  • Dizziness

    Dizziness or confusion: Since the blood circulation in the body slows down this could lead to dizziness due to less blood reach in the brain. At times, this could also make one confused in making decisions.

  • Irregular heartbeat

    Irregular heartbeats: As the heart beats faster to pump enough blood to the body this could lead to irregular heartbeats which could be life-threatening.

  • heart failure
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swollen feet
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Urination
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat

Image source: Shutterstock

5 signs of a silent heart attack you should be aware of!

  • Signs of silent heart attack

    A silent heart attack is so called because it doesn't show any classic signs and symptoms of a heart attack like unbearable chest pain, excessive sweating, locking of the jaws etc. Instead, it is like a brief period of discomfort after which everything returns to normal. This is why most of us fail to realise that we might have suffered a silent heart attack. But our body gives the cues, if you read them carefully probably you can save yourself from a full-fledged heart attack. Here Dr B S Sanjay, Consultant Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeon Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, lists some of the signs of silent heart attack that you should be awarel of.

  • Excessive fatigue

    Excessive fatigue: It is one thing if you feel exhausted after running a marathon and another thing after taking a flight of stairs, a short walk from your office to the parking lot or just walking around the house. This could be a sign of a silent heart attack. Since the blood flow to the heart is reduced during an attack it puts extra stress on the muscles that make you feel fatigue.

  • Pain in the back or arm

    Pain in the arm or back: Chest pain is a very common sign of heart attack. However, in a silent heart attack, this symptom is not noticeable. But the body does send some pain signals from the surrounding area, like a radiating pain in the left arm or soreness on the back. These signs look so subtle that we fail to associate it with a heart attack.

  • heartburn

    Shortness of breath: Women take note, this happens due to regular stress. Not that this doesn’t happen with men but is a more common symptom in women. If you find yourself feeling breathless during your regular chores it is a red flag.

  • shortness of breath

    Heartburn: Angina, heartburn-like chest pain is common during a silent heart attack. So if you don't have bouts of acidity often and suddenly face one probably popping an antacid won't help.

  • Discomfort in neck and throat

    Discomfort in the neck and throat: If you feel an unexplained discomfort bothering you, especially in your neck and throat area this could indicate a silent heart attack.

  • What to do

    What you should do: If you have ever experienced any of these above-mentioned symptoms, get checked by a doctor on the status of your heart health.

  • Signs of silent heart attack
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Pain in the back or arm
  • heartburn
  • shortness of breath
  • Discomfort in neck and throat
  • What to do

Image source: Shutterstock

10 sad things only women with endometriosis will understand


The trouble with living with endometriosis is — apart from the pain and infertility — making people understand what you are going through. Endometriosis is a common gynaecological ailment but ironically, it is not quite well-known, at least in India. Which makes it very difficult for others to relate to you. Here are ten upsetting things only a woman suffering from endometriosis will understand.

1 People confuse your condition with period cramps

Women with endo do through debilitating pain in their lower abdomen but people mistake it for regular period cramps. Your employers wonder why you should be taking a day off when other women also go through the same ordeal every month. No! Endometriosis pain results from inflammation and is ten times worse than the cramps women of normal health experience every month. Here are some home remedies for period cramps. Here are some diet tips for endometriosis.

2 You can’t wear anything body-hugging 

Women experiencing endometriosis often go through the “endo-belly” where the lower abdomen looks swollen, heavy and distended. It could be mistaken for a flabby stomach or a “pregnant” belly. The problem is a common symptom of endometriosis and often results from bloating or other digestive disorders caused by the condition. This causes serious body image issues among women with endo. Avoid these food combinations to stop bloating.

3 You are always tired

No matter how well-rested you are, you never seem to have the energy. You marvel at your friends managing their domestic and professional lives with equal ease and wonder why you can’t drag yourself out of bed every morning. Because another one of endometriosis’ associated conditions is chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, both of which can cause low energy levels. These are some of the health risks of endometriosis.

4 There is no way to predict the pain

No two periods are the same when you have endometriosis. Some months may be easy going while others may be a nightmare. It is completely possible to be symptom-free for a month and then be ambushed by the pain in the next.

Pain is not limited to the abdomen

When you talk of period pain, you think of cramps in the abdomen. But in endometriosis, women experience pain, not only in their lower abdomen but in places such as the hands, legs and thighs.

You have to come to terms with your infertility

Infertility is one of the associated risks of endometriosis. Many women struggling with this condition have to accept the fact that they may never have a child of their own. Although some women do go on to conceive, for most women getting pregnant is an uphill task. Some of them have fall prey to depression at the thought of being childless for life.

7 You struggle with sadness

When you have endometriosis, your constant companions are anxiety and depression. You struggle with mood swings, constant sadness and anxiety. The pall of gloom settles on almost everything you do and almost nothing can help you out of it when you are in one of your depressed spells.

8 You could lose your uterus

When things become too much to handle, you may have to consider hysterectomy as an option. It is neither a solution nor should it be anybody’s last resort. But gynaecologists all over the world suggest uterus removal as an option for endometriosis pain. Here’s how your body will change after a hysterectomy.

9 Your relationship gets affected

Women suffering from endometriosis often have to see their romantic relationships crumble under the weight of their ailment. Endo makes things difficult for women first by lowering their sex drive and then by making intercourse painful. This causes discord between the couple, often leading to breakups and even divorce. Can your relationship survive these problems?

10 You fear for your life

Gynaecologists warn women suffering from endometriosis about their increased risk for other life-threatening diseases like ovarian, endometrial and breast cancer. Increased oestrogen levels in their body make them susceptible to these cancers. So they have to take their health very seriously, screening themselves for these diseases from time to time. No matter how healthy your lifestyle is, there is always the fear of cancer at the back of your mind when you suffer from endometriosis.

Image source: Shutterstock

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